

Why Do Women Earn Less Than Men? Evidence from Bus and Train Operators (with Natalia Emanuel)
Journal of Labor Economics, 2022, Vol. 40(2), pp. 283-323.
Coverage: The Wall Street Journal, Marginal Revolution, Society of Human Resource Management, Quartz

How Unpredictable Schedules Widen the Gender Pay Gap (with Natalia Emanuel)
Harvard Business Review, Published Online: July 1, 2022.

Child Care Benefits and Labor Market Participation (with Jessica Brown and Natalia Emanuel)
In Progress.


Graduate Student Mental Health: Lessons from American Economics Departments (with Matthew Basilico and Paul Barreira)
Journal of Economic Literature, 2022, Vol. 60(4), pp. 1188-1222. 
Materials: Presentation Slides, Student Survey, Faculty Survey
Coverage: The Atlantic, Inside Higher Ed, Scientific American Blog

Graduate Student and Faculty Mental Health: Evidence from European Economics Departments (with Elisa Macchi, Clara Sievert, and Paul Barreira)
American Journal of Health Economics, Revise and Resubmit.
Materials: Executive Summary

A Blueprint for Measuring and Improving Graduate Student Mental Health (with Paul Barreira)
Journal of American College Health, 2024, Vol. 72(3), pp. 812-818.
Materials: Survey Instrument

Mental Health and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Book Chapter in Flattening the Curve: COVID-19 & Grand Challenges for Global Health, Innovation, and Economy. Edited by Chirantan Chatterjee, Anindya S. Chakrabarti, and Anil B. Deolalikar.
World Scientific Publishing, June 2023.

Can Financial Incentives Improve Medication Adherence and Patient Outcomes After Involuntary Hospitalization? (with Natalia Emanuel, Alex Jutca, and Pim Welle)
In Progress.

“A Danger to Self and Others? The Health and Criminal Consequences of Involuntary Hospitalization” (with Natalia Emanuel and Pim Welle)
In Progress.

“Mental Health and News Consumption” (with Francesco Capozza and Siddharth George)
In Progress.


Infrastructure in a Federal System (with Michael J. Boskin)
Book Chapter in American Federalism Today: Perspectives on Political and Economic Governance. Edited by Michael J. Boskin.
Hoover Institution Press, September, 2024.

The Case for Scaling Auctions When Spending on Infrastructure (with Shoshana Vasserman)
Microeconomic Insights, August, 2024.

Scaling Auctions as Insurance: A Case Study in Infrastructure Procurement (with Shoshana Vasserman)
Econometrica, 2023, Vol. 91(4), pp. 1205-1259.

Scaling Auctions as Insurance: A Case Study of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (with Shoshana Vasserman)
Rappaport Institute for Greater Boston, Harvard Kennedy School, November, 2021.



Can Deliberation Have Lasting Effects? (with Norman Bradburn, James Fishkin, Joshua Lerner, and Alice Siu)
American Political Science Review, Published Online, 2024, pp. 1-21.

“Scaling Dialogue for Democracy: Can Automated Deliberation Create More Deliberative Voters?” (with Norman Bradburn, James Fishkin, Joshua Lerner, and Alice Siu)
Perspectives on Politics, Revise and Resubmit. 


“The Misallocation of Government” (with Edward L. Glaeser, Olivia Martin, and Andrei Shleifer)
In Progress.


“The Impact of Prisoner Education on Recidivism, Labor Market Outcomes, and Public Assistance Utilization” (with Michael Lovenheim and Natalie Millar)
In Progress.